This innovative Packaging for NIKE Inflatables is developed by OIA Global. The company has incorporated origami and geodesic design elements into an invention that simplifies complexity, improves productivity and exudes creativity. The unique “Prizm” design consists of a series of ten alternating equilateral triangular panels that when formed, the antiprismatic band creates an open geodesic socket that allows the ball and packaging to hold onto each other naturally, with minimal material, high product visibility and an intuitive reusable latching mechanism. This pack has Self-locking features on opposite ends so there is no need for glue or tape. To remove simply pull the ends apart. The two-step assembly has promoted great improvement in assembly time. This pack is made up of conventional corrugated fiberboard and a simple folding-gluing process. The final product demonstrates advancement in the packaging of sports balls while reducing cost, minimizing carbon footprint, enhancing product appeal to consumers, and elevating the brand to stand out among its competition.