Skin packaging onto aluminium containers offers fresh solution for foods. An innovative skin packaging concept for chilled or fresh foods, such as fresh fish, the Ready Cook Skin Packaging Solution is offered from Plus Pack which offers maximum flexibility for the consumer as it can easily go directly from the chilled cabinet to the oven or even BBQ. The pack has the look and feel of quality, which is always reassuring to consumers buying fresh foods. But it scored highly for its ease of handling, along with a format which offers extended shelf life and then can be used as the baking container. It is even much easier to transport, stack and store, not only for the retailer but the consumer as well. Full surface skin packaging offers a hermetically sealed food safe solution which improves the shelf life of the contents by several days, compared to traditional modified atmosphere containers with a sealed film lid, according to the company. Once the skin packaging is removed the aluminium container makes a perfect cooking tray. The low height and handles of the container makes it easy to transport and store for the consumer. If they decide to buy several products at the same time, the skin packaging solution means they can keep fresh foods for an extended period in top condition. And they have a healthy diet without having to buy fresh items every day. The aluminium container is also fully recyclable, so there is no need to fill up the waste bin.