Point of purchase displays are used as a marketing tool in the retail industry to encourage customers to engage with products. Such visuals have historically augmented sales and enhanced customer retention.
POP displays are standalone features, separate from the traditional display shelves and aisles thus ensuring additional facings and interactions for products with customers. One might find POP displays at the head and foot of aisles, in the “action alley” or near payment counters. They can also be placed at the entrance of the store.
POP displays not only put a product in the spotlight and eliminate the possibility of “analysis paralysis”, but also highlight the features of the product that differentiates it from its competition.
The customizability of such displays provides brands the freedom to align their products with promotional and seasonal themes, something they are unable to do with just traditional shelf space. Monopolizing on artistic expression while choosing from the endless options of sizes, shapes, colors and other innovative engagement abilities can have a grave and long-lasting impact on customer experience. POPs are best used to showcase offers accompanying the product to yet again increase the likelihood of a purchase.
Virtual signage is the equivalent of POP displays on an online store as opposed to a brick and mortar setup.
Following are examples of different types of POP displays
1. Freestanding cardboard displays
2. Shelf Talkers
3. End Caps
4. Dump bins
POP displays can also be temporary, semi-permanent and permanent.
Some key features and best practices to keep in mind while designing a POP display include:
- Bold Imagery with memorable color combinations, catchphrases and patterns
- Audience Targeted Approach for increased acceptance, brand awareness and sales
- Succinct content for easy cognition and higher retention