" Each problem has hidden within it an opportunity so powerful that it literally dwarfs the problem. The greatest success stories were created by people who recognized a problem and turned it into an opportunity." Joseph Sugarman
So this is the situation in India, PET film prices going up heavily and people are not ready to run alternate materials like OPP or PE film combinations. I think its an opportunity to work on alternate combinations. There is no invention required. It is just the need to come together and make the small group of machine supplier, alternate film supplier , user, converter and resin supplier. If these 5 people work together, I am sure a workable solution can be quickly found using the current available technologies without any further investments. There might be some small investments required at end users but I think those are simple to manage looking at the opportunity available!
Do you have any suggestions or recommendations to move forward? Any idea what could be the size of this new market?
That is encouraging, could you share some developments one by one. This blog has the facility to upload pictures so it would be very useful to readers to see hwat is happening around,