'Stay hungry stay foolish' is the book by rashmi bansal that i just finished reading. Its the great inspiring story of iip ahmedabad gradyates who have made a difference being enterpreneurs. Since i also became an offical enterpreneur after leaving pepsico and so had been reading alot about enterpreneurs. When i heard about this book and their success stories, i was impressed and read the whole book. After reading the book i find that all the graduates had the gerat ides or thinking of doing something good, big and challenged the conventional thinking. But the fact is almost all of them became successful when they got real financial support, they used their iip network to connect. So to me it lloks that iip did impart the great analytical education so they did not fail but they had not been able to generate money from their ideas to sustain their ideas. They did need vc funding or angel funding or someone supporting them financially and then they knew how to widely use the money to prove the point. So now my question is that can we not succeed with iip education and with financial support? Www.packagingconnections.com is one such initiative that is trying to connect packaging decision makers acroos the globe and does not have any financial support. I really do not find any vc in india who is looking forward to support good ideas but they are probably looking for safe bets, banks again are no real different. I do have my alumni iip's network but that is still developing and not quiyte like iims on the top. So what do you think we should do to make the www.packagingconnections.com a real packaging meeting point whe we have no money? Any inoovative idess?????