- The new 6000, 7000 and 8000 series of the HQL drying and sterilization tunnel for sterilizing and depyrogenising pre-cleaned ampoules, injection and infusion bottles, cartridges and syringes.
- Bosch’s new series requires less energy for electrical heating and ventilation due to the optimized air flow and mea- sures for heat recovery.
- A flexible pressure zone concept ensures increased process safety by adapting tunnel pressure in the different zones to customers’ requirements.
- The modular design of HQL series ensures a customer- specific tunnel arrangement.
- Each sterilizing and cooling module contains the entire technology for respective process.
- The new design facilitates access to critical areas such as Hepa filters.
- The new tunnels are further characterized by a reduced overall size, making them shorter and space-saving.
- The new tunnels are available in three standardized bandwidths: 600mm for HQL 6000, 800mm for the HQ 7000; and 1200mm for the HQL 8000.
- With its different sizes, the drying and sterilization tunnel can ne flexibly adapted to different requirements.
- A stainless steel wire mesh ensures all freestanding and non-freestanding containers are transported through the HQL tunnel without abrasion.