for waste reduction, the organization has two focuses. the first is the lean production, the entire purpose of which is to minimize waste. dean mayes is the director of manufacturing. dean mentioned that they are trying to rationalize procedures and become as competent as possible, with a meeting point on reducing materials and time. into the other proposal also this segues, which is a detailed waste management program. mayes says that they started their program of waste management in sincere around six years ago. the orgnization started recycling almost everything that is possible to be recycled copper wire, shrink wrap, defective metal parts, bubble wrap, paper, and bottles, wood, cardboard and cans. they bought a baler so they could recycle cardboard, instead of paying to hauled it away. from reduction to recycling on the other hand, instead of simply recycling all of the waste that obviously accumulated in the plant, finelite got a creative idea and started looking out for ways to minimize the quantity of waste that generates from the start. this idea has resulted in a number of pioneering processes that fineline unveiled in its own department of shipping. the first initiative which finelite took up was to minimize bubble wrap. finelite started using crinkle paper as a substitute. they came to know that it offers the same level of safety for their products as bubble wrap. no doubt that the crinkle paper has an ecological benefit, as it is simpler to recycle as compared to the bubble wrap. furthermore, this paper was also less costly to buy. in a year, the company was paying 54,000 for bubble wrap whereas the company pays only 45,000 a year for the crinkle paper. httpwww.sustainableplant.com201308fineliteshedslightonwastereductionthrough…