if there&rsquos one thing that rice&rsquos honey company has mastered, it&rsquos their honey. for over 90 years rice&rsquos has been supplying pure, raw honey straight from the hive. while their highquality honey has not changed, their packaging has experienced a makeover that consumers will love as much as the honey.most consumers can agree honey can be a sticky, sweet mess if it is not dispensed properly. with so much nutritional goodness packed into one bottle, the rice family wanted to ensure that their unfiltered product was easy to pour. luckily, the mold rite plastics&rsquo ultra light closure was developed, and is distributed to the rice&rsquos colorado lucky clover honey packaging facility through tricorbraun. the patented design of this closure helps to prevent sticky messes while its 180 degree recessed top makes the package easy to open.this clean and sanitary closure improves the customer&rsquos experience with an even, directional pour each time. the ultra light also builds brand image with its sleek, modern design, helping rice&rsquos honey to stand out on the shelf. with its lightweight design that improves sustainability and reduces shipping costs, it&rsquos no wonder why everyone is buzzing about rice&rsquos famous honey. pure honey. nothing added. ever.closure 38mm ultra light &trade, ribbed side with a .250 orifice and a lift n&rsquo peel® liner