19 jan 2015intrepid fox makes scottish debut at scothotintrepid fox, the easyserve &39wine in a glass&39 from wine innovations, is making its scottish debut at this year&39s scothot event. as well as launching intrepid fox into the scottish market, wine innovations is looking to use the event to talk to prospective scottish wholesalers who would be interested in stocking their prepackaged, singleserve wine.the company enjoyed great success last year following their appearance at the lunch show in london. lunch is the biggest trade event for foodtogo caterers in the uk. demonstrating the unique benefits of the &39wine in a glass&39 to major decision makers at the show led to a number of highprofile sales for intrepid fox in england and wales. wine innovations is now hoping to repeat that success by exhibiting at scotland&39s biggest celebration of the hospitality, tourism, food and drink industries.renu sunak, business development manager at wine innovations, commented "scothot is exactly where intrepid fox needs to be seen. caterers at some of the biggest stadiums and event venues in england and wales have realised that intrepid fox can significantly boost sales during busy rushes, and scothot will allow scottish caterers to see this as well. i am sure that caterers operating at hightraffic venues across scotland can gain a great deal from selling intrepid fox."intrepid fox&39s design makes the product quick and easy to serve, while minimising costly spillages and eliminating breakages. the product is therefore ideal for events, venues and mobile caterers, who typically trade at very hightraffic locations and glassfree areas. intrepid fox has also proven highly successful for convenience retailers and travel caterers across the uk.the 100 recyclable, shatterproof pet glass closely resembles a traditional wine glass in look and feel, comes sealed with a foil lid, and has a shelflife of up to a year.for more information, please contact chris.hamer@trianglepr.co.uk or jack.cowell@trianglepr.co.uk. alternatively, call 0161 873 8009.to learn more about intrepid fox, please visit httpwww.wineinnovationsltd.com