For Danone that includes developing attractive packaging for its new all-natural spoonable yogurt which is sold in Argentina. The transparent 200-ml polyethylene terephthalate (PET) jar with a wide-mouth opening and an aluminum-PET-aluminium closure with a 65mm over cap in clear polypropylene (PP) was developed in collaboration with global packaging company Amcor. The new PET jar supports the 100% natural positioning of Danone’s La Serenísima’s yogurt with featured engraving, a finely finished base, and a body-wrap label. To protect the contents, the jar includes a 55-mm finish with aluminum-PET-aluminum-foil barrier seal and an ultraviolet blocker. Amcor optimized the two-step reheat process to produce the wide-mouth jars using a Matrix blow-molding machine ¬- an industry first - for high-volume yogurt containers.