The new aisacan has been created to enable drinks manufacturers to offer a point of differentiation and a new consumption experience for consumers. At the same time, the pack&rsquos unique format &ndash comprising rigid top and base sections with a flexible multilayer laminated film for the main body &ndash offers valuable sustainability benefits over traditional pet and glass bottles, as well as enhanced branding opportunities. The shoulder and base are injection moulded and, together with preprinted laminated film assembled in an aisapack acm1 machine. The bottle&rsquos flexible main body offers improved grip, due its ability to mould to the shape of individual hands, and its smaller opening helps to avoid spillages, both of which make it an ideal format for on the go drinking. In terms of its environmental impact, the new aisacan offers distinct advantages over both hot fill and aseptic pet bottle options being up to 60 lighter.