food packaging of the future might crack like an egg or peel like an orange and decompose much more quickly than plasticfrom oil capsules you can crack like an egg to smoothie packaging which decomposes at the same time as the drink goes off, this scandinavian design company has come up with some useful and beautiful solutions for food packaging waste.tomorrow machine wants to build a more better world through research, new technologies and intelligent material.check out the packaging concepts the company has come up with.the oil &39bottle&39 you crack like an eggthe package for oilbased foods is made of caramelised sugar, coated with looks quite fun you crack it like an egg to use the contents, and the tasteless, edible package melts when it comes in contact with water after being a bit like the edible water bottle that looks like a breast implant.the rice container you peel like a fruitthis rice packaging is made from beeswax and can be peeled like an orange this rice package is made of beeswax, you would buy your rice or grains in portions and peel the package like a fruit. it is completely natural, beautiful and biodegradeable. drinks packaging that decomposes within daysthis drinks carton decomposes when the drink passes its sellby dateit takes several years for a milk carton to biodegrade, whereas milk goes off in a matter of days.this special drink carton for milk, cream and smoothies goes off at the same time as the contents. you open it by pricking it with a straw, and then the carton, which is made of agar, disintegrates in a few days.these three food packaging products would mean that landfills would no longer be filled with plastic, and our food would be a lot simpler to get into. your bin would also have a lot more room in it