from the fridge door fit&trade heinz® ketchup and topdown&trade bottles, to the famous latest snap pots® microwaveable baked beans in the province of united kingdom and the latest heinz dip & squeeze® packaging for the industry of foodservice in the united states, packaging innovation is a main ingredient at heinz. just like it has always been. inventive ideas that make history. right from the 1869, heinz has made a name for itself by offering pure foods and finer quality in new ways that both delighted and surprised the consumer. when henry john heinz, the founder of the company, introduced his fresh horseradish in an exclusive clear glass bottle, the idea of complete revelation through packaging was exceptional. similarly, fresh was the concept that packaging of a product can immensely improve the appeal of the food packed inside. even today, heinz continues to lift up the science of packaging a product to an art form. turning expectations of packaging upside down&mdashas heinz did literally with its topdown&trade ketchup bottle&mdashis a tradition in the organization. however, thinking of innovative ideas to make it simpler to enjoy heinz&rsquos products is just the start. the rest of the story includes heinz&rsquos commitment to sustainable, responsible packaging. the latest introduction of an easyopen, lighter can for products like heinz® soup is also an innovation in the field of packaging that benefits both the environment and the consumer. the lighter weight of cans&rsquo also minimizes the overall load to transport them, improving efficiency and saving fuel. as an international company, heinz is very aware of its impact on the environment. so a customer always finds good practices&mdashalong with the good food&mdashcontained in heinz&rsquos latest global packaging innovations. latest ideas in packaging innovation in the north america province, heinz is offering everyone more methods to enjoy america&rsquos favorite ketchup®, the heinz dip & squeeze ketchup® which comes in a dualfunction ketchup package for the foodservice industry assurance to make eating onthego more convenient and fun. in the new zealand, australia, u.k., and indonesia, heinz is transforming to lighterweight cans for products such as soups and beans. infant food jars, in china, are now wrapped up in paper sleeves, an additional environmentally friendly substitute to plastic shrinkwrap. source of information httpwww.heinz.comourfoodinnovationpackaginginnovation.aspx