The e-commerce packaging has been delivered from DS Smith's Finnish sites to world class gin and rye-whisky manufacturer Kyrö Distillery Company, which has transformed its alcohol production into hand sanitizer production and packs these bottles to be delivered via online store to those in need. “It is in line with DS Smith's values to support the communities in which we operate. When we heard that our customer Kyrö Distillery Company was joining the battle against the Covid-19 pandemic and had started producing much needed disinfectant production, we wanted to offer a helping hand. We have donated environmentally friendly corrugated boxes designed for e-commerce so that those products can be safely transported to those who need it,” says Ari Viinikkala, Managing Director of DS Smith's Finnish business “Getting DS Smith onboard feels nice, of course. This is a moment where we need to work together and look after our partnerships. Despite the opportunity being taken during the demand peak, we had no aim to take advantage of the situation but rather secure the needs of health and livelihood. In deliveries we prioritise critical sectors in society,” says Mikko Koskinen, CMO at Kyrö Distellery Company. "We would not have been able to do this without our professional employees who are doing their best to make sure we can operate part of the crucial supply chains related to food and pharmaceutical goods, even in the midst of a pandemic," continues Ari Viinikkala. DS Smith continues its important work during the pandemic as part of logistics chains that ensure secure supply of environmentally friendly cardboard packaging for its customers' needs - so that healthcare and food sectors needs are met and online stores, serving Finns at home, can continue to deliver products in a safe way.