DUO is the first aerosol dispenser that produces two different spray rates from a single device. This revolutionary dispenser allows a precise delivery for any purpose. Whether spraying large or small surfaces, on the body or in the face, with an easy 180° flip you can choose the mode that suits your dosing needs best. DUO is suited for dispensing an endless variety of products and formulations. Any company that wishes to try its formulation in DUO is invited to contact Pronova for testing.
Furthermore, the AeroFocus™ DUO does not come alone, but has a ‘little brother’ called MONO: a single-spray device with the sole purpose to spray precise and minute amounts of product, ideal for applying a product with high precision, directly into the face or on small surfaces, while preventing leaking, dripping, and wastage.
Check out the product presentation and video on www.aero-focus.com and get in touch with Pronova if you want to extend your aerosol product range and claim your exclusivity!
Visit www.pronovalaboratories.com for more information about the company and its portfolio, or contact aerofocus@pronovalab.com.