In the early Nineties Mengibar lead the research in Flow Metering technology incorporating Magnetic and Mass Flowmeters in Linear and Rotary Fillers to replace old fashioned technologies based in Gravimetric systems, Piston Pumps or Weigh (Scales) technology. The new milenium started with the launch of the new Low Reynolds Filling Heads and the Stable Work Environment concept specially designed to reduce foam generacion during the filling operation without the use of mesh components inside of the filling nozzle.
Today, Mengibar Filling machines represent the most innovative solution to fill a wide range of products, covering from highly viscous liquids to thin and foaming liquids. Machine is equipped with the highest level of automation where product change over and bottle size change over are fully automated.
Producing up to 30.000 containers per hour of exactly identical dose and appearance.
Filling up to 12.000 liters of liquid soap and detergent without foaming nor without dripping.
With a wide variaty of closures (trigger pumps, dosing pumps, spouts, plugs, caps, etc).