As many as 58 Artisans, weavers, cooperatives from various districts of Jammu Division participated in the training programme and availed the benefit of this workshop/training programme.
Their queries were also replied by the Technical team of Indian Institute of packaging, Ministry of Commerce.
The training was held in the pursuit of the Government to present new livelihood opportunities to the craftsmen associated with Handicrafts and Handloom Sector of Jammu and Kashmir and develop entrepreneurship in the sector.
Special Secretary to Government, Industries & Commerce Department, J&K, Tariq Ahmad Zargar, was the Chief Guest.
He emphasized that bringing innovative practises in Handicrafts and Handloom sector is a must to restore pristine glory of this languishing sector & aspects such as good packaging could be a game changer.
Director Handicrafts and Handloom, Jammu, Dr. Vikas Gupta, highlighted the importance of packaging for increasing value and marketability of the handicrafts and handloom products and develop brand image for products like Basholi Paintings, Pashmina Wool Products, Bamboo Products, Chikri Wood Products from Rajouri and Poonch District, Wood Carving, Modern Art Products and other products produced in Jammu Division.
He was optimistic that the training programme will open a new window of opportunities for the entrepreneurs of Jammu Division in designing and developing new designs which are attractive, durable and affordable and shall help in promoting the brand image of ‘Made in Jammu and Kashmir Products’ both at National and International level.
Dr. TanveerAlam, Director, Indian Institute of Packaging- Mumbai, highlighted the role played by IIP in recent years in designing and developing new and innovative packaging material/techniques.
He encouraged the participants to come forward and gain from their technical expertise in this sector. Indian Institute of packaging, which has 56 years of experience in the field of packaging, organized technical and interactive session for the participants wherein they were briefed about the latest developments in the sector and their queries were replied.