Besides the exchange of mutual know-how in the fields of polymer technology and processing, the aim of the partnership is the joint use and further advancement of the existing application centre for thin-wall packaging Netstal’s plant in Näfels, Switzerland.
“This is a major investment in synergy for us,” said Sergi Monros, SABIC’s vice president of Performance Polymers & Industry Solutions, Petrochemicals. “Together with Netstal, we will bundle our expertise in polymer science and processing to enable new material and injection moulding solutions for the competitive edge of customers throughout the thin-wall packaging industry and beyond.”
SABIC will use the innovation centre to improve the properties of thin-wall packaging applications, such as balance of stiffness, impact strength, cycle time reduction and sustainability.
“The collaboration with SABIC will add significant momentum to the further development and commercialisation of our product portfolio for innovative new thin-wall packaging applications,” explained Renzo Davatz, chief executive of KraussMaffei HighPerformance.
The cooperation is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2021.