This year’s winner of the BillerudKorsnäs PIDA Germany design competition is a team from Stuttgart Media University. The winning students succeeded in creating a sustainable, smart and attractive packaging solution for wristwatches and other luxury items, called WatchOut. BillerudKorsnäs Design Competition PIDA, Packaging Impact Design Award, this year celebrates twelve years as an international competition. This year's challenge is based on BillerudKorsnäs own mission, "Challenge conventional packaging for a sustainable future", focused on developing smart and innovative packaging solutions that stands out in the store shelf and has increased customer value while taking responsibility for the environment.
In ”Watch out” all the requirements of the brief is perfectly matched. The substitution of a plastic box by a creative cartonboard box solutions with a simple but functional product presentation, developed with a clear graphical design and good product protection – and all this without over-packing. In total a very clever and sustainable solution.