At SÜDPACK, sustainability is an elementary component of the corporate strategy. As a leading film manufacturer and pioneering partner in the development of sustainable packaging concepts, the group of companies has intensively advanced the expansion of its innovative product portfolio as part of its sustainability offensive in recent years. At the same time, various initiatives were initiated that take into account the aspects of material reduction, recyclability, renewable raw materials and the circular economy. With these initiatives, the current and future requirements of the packaging industry can be met, in order to keep the consumption of resources in the manufacture of packaging as low as possible and to close material cycles.
Compared to the two previous reports, the scope of the report has been expanded to include two international locations. In addition to the locations SÜDPACK Verpackungen GmbH & Co. KG and ecoform Multifol Verpackungsfolien GmbH & Co. KG with the Ochsenhausen, Erlenmoos, Schwendi and Erolzheim locations, the locations SÜDPACK Klobuck Sp. Zoo (Poland) and SÜDPACK Bioggio SA (Switzerland) involved in communication. The production processes were further developed and optimized at all six locations in order to be able to produce even more resource-efficiently than before.
The report, which appears every two years, is based on the leading international standard of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). SÜDPACK sees its detailed sustainability reporting not only as a voluntary commitment with regard to the greatest possible transparency for customers, business partners, stakeholders and employees, but above all "as part of a continuous optimization process within our company and as a significant contribution to the continuous development of an entire industry," explains Erik Bouts , Spokesman for the management of SÜDPACK. Because "we can only meet global challenges such as climate change, permanently increasing environmental pollution and developments in social interaction
The goal-oriented approaches at SÜDPACK also include the creation of the new "CSR and Sustainability" area, which will be assigned to strategic marketing. On the basis of a holistic sustainability strategy, new projects can be implemented much more effectively than before and the individual sustainability initiatives can be bundled even more closely. One of the items on the agenda is, for example, the implementation of projects that contribute to making the locations CO2 neutral and reducing the CO2 footprint of SÜDPACK's packaging materials.
A dedicated website was set up for SÜDPACK's 2020 sustainability report, which can be accessed at www.nachhaltigkeit.suedpack.com . All relevant contents of the report are clearly presented on this page.