The need to launch products whose brand image makes them stand out from the competition in a very direct and visual way has led the Marketing and Product Design teams to come up with ever more eye-catching designs which, at the same time, involve greater technical complexity in their industrial implementation.
In this respect, the option of achieving these creative effects through label printing is becoming a very effective solution, and an area in which PETROPLAST are carrying out increasingly more complex projects with good results.
One good example of this is the tube recently developed for Laboratoire DERMOSCENT, a French company specialised in making skincare products for pets. In order to improve the image of their products, this laboratory redesigned the look of their packaging with the introduction of complex images with metallic finishes, which are difficult to achieve using traditional direct printing onto the tube.
The technical solution proposed by PETROPLAST consists in a 360º wrap around label with direct printing onto silver stamping which makes it possible to reproduce complex graphics and at the same time obtain the enhancement of a metallic finish, with an ideal visual impact.
In fact, this project has been presented as a success story in the latest edition of the Tube & Trends journal published by ETMA (European Tube Manufacturers Association), the industry grouping to which PETROPLAST belongs.