Düsseldorf, 1 April 2020 - Even the aluminium industry cannot escape the dramatic developments in industrial activity in Germany and the rest of Europe. According to an ad hoc survey conducted by Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie (GDA), 80 per cent of the companies questioned said that new orders and call-off figures from the automotive industry had declined sharply and had even come to a complete standstill in some cases.
Obstacles to production are already manifesting themselves clearly: 50 per cent of those surveyed consider logistics in particular to be a burden on their own production, 46 per cent report a shortage of incoming orders and for around 44 per cent increased sick leave is hampering production. According to the survey, around half of the respondents have already started working shorter hours or are planning to do so in the short term.
The packaging sector for both food and pharmaceutical products is experiencing a special development. Fifty per cent of the companies surveyed are reporting increases in orders and call- offs while the other half is anticipating stable demand. “It is crucial now to maintain the supply chains in their entirety,” says Marius Baader, executive director of GDA. “These highly relevant chains will cease to function without metal production, the manufacture of semi-finished products and recycling, including the recycling of process scrap.”
Together with other non-ferrous metals industry associations (WV Metalle, BDGuss and GDB), GDA has formulated politico-economic measures that take account of the industry’s special circumstances. “We very much welcome the rapid introduction of government aid programmes,” says Marius Baader. “At the moment, however, issues such as more flexible rules covering working hours, adjustments to deadlines stipulated in environmental and energy legislation and unimpeded freight transport throughout Europe are just as vital for the survival of our companies.”
Background: Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e. V. (GDA), Düsseldorf, represents the interests of aluminium producing and processing companies in Germany, an industry whose economic significance is reflected in annual sales of 21 billion euros, generated by 65,000 employees in 252 companies. Based on the production of the German aluminium industry, some 96 per cent of all aluminium companies are members of the association. ______________________________________
Arne Regenbrecht Gesamtverband der Aluminiumindustrie e. V. (GDA)
T + 49 211 4796-442
Arne Regenbrecht