Schreiner Group has won first place in the “Innovation” category of the 2017 FINAT Label Competition. The high-tech company convinced the jury of the European association for the self-adhesive label industry (FINAT) again this year and was presented with the award on the occasion of the European Label Forum in Berlin.
“Innovation is one of the central values in which our company is rooted. The fact that we have once again been recognized with the FINAT Award shows that the commitment to innovation is consistently being lived and practiced at Schreiner Group,” said CEO Roland Schreiner. “We owe the associated ingenuity to our employees, who keep rethinking and continually developing established and new technologies, and convert them into innovative products.”
The annual FINAT Award recognizes the best pressure-sensitive labels and related products. Some 300 print products were entered in this year’s competition.
On-Street Parking Made Easy: with the ((rfid))-Parking Permit
The ((rfid))-Parking Permit developed by the Schreiner PrinTrust business unit convinced the jury with its reliable technology and numerous user benefits. Since September 2016, it has been used for on-street parking throughout Vienna, having considerably reduced the administrative workload for the city as well as for inspectors and drivers. Users stick the high-tech label on the inside of the windshield once where it can remain for years – even if parking authorizations change, for instance when permit owners move within the city limits or sell their cars. Even the process of issuing annual extensions of the parking permit becomes more efficient and economical because the “sticker” no longer has to be replaced.
Stored on the chip is an identification number which inspectors scan using handheld readers and automatically match with the license number, type of vehicle, the permit’s scope of application and expiration date stored in a database. As the database contains no personal data, privacy protection is consistently guaranteed. Thanks to UHF, vehicle identification is contactless across a distance of a few meters without line of sight, which enormously reduces the effort of checking parking permits.
Worldwide Recognition for RFID UHF Label
In parallel to the FINAT Awards, the 2016 World Label Awards were presented in Berlin. Only the winning products from the association’s eight major competitions held the year before are entered in this global competition. Here, Schreiner Group achieved 1st place in the “Innovation” category as well: for the ((rfid))-DistaFerr Mini – last year’s FINAT award winner. As a result, the extremely small label for on-metal RFID applications has now also won worldwide recognition.