Cartonplast Group (CPL) offers Europe's most successful outsourcing transportation system with plastic layer pads (PLPs) on a rental basis for glass, cans and PET containers. The following CPL best practice examples provide insights into the practice of the work processes of two different companies and show concrete and positive changes. What works well for one can also work well for the other! The examples serve as a suggestion for companies looking for solutions to similar production problems. In addition, they will illustrate the comparison of traditional cardboard layer pads used to transport glass, cans and PET containers and promote and increase the use of CPL plastic layer pads in as many companies as possible, highlighting the value of the CPL service model to potential customers.
1. Best practice example
„Move to plastic“ at the beverage manufacturer Halewood International
The “Move to plastic” project at Halewood International, the largest independent manufacturer of beverages in Great Britain, was a collaborative initiative with the glass suppliers. The aim in this particular case was to reduce waste at the location, and in return to increase the number of recyclable items. 80% of the container glass products are now transported on PLPs – cardboard intermediate layers are now only used in certain individual cases. The PLPs for the transportation of the glass products to the beverage manufacturer are provided, collected free of charge and reprocessed by CPL-UK. In this way, Halewood can focus on the manufacture and delivery of its high-quality beverage products.
Major changes have also resulted in the operating processes. Due to the reduced use of cardboard intermediate layers, savings have been achieved regarding both time and personnel, who were usually deployed for sorting of the cardboard waste material. The sorting and recycling of damaged PLPs is now organised through CPL-UK, and Halewood does not incur any disposal costs.
Julian Galsworthy, Vendor Scheduling Manager at Halewood International, based in the United Kingdom, confirms the efficiency of the system: “Our production processes have been optimised, as the depalletisation of the glass containers has become easier and faster. In particular, wet and damaged cardboard intermediate layers were causing problems during the depalletisation of the glass containers, and we were suffering production losses. PLPs do not suffer deformations – in contrast to cardboard – and the depalletisation of the glass containers now runs smoothly”.
2. Best practice example
Fast secure depalletizing and reduced production downtime at the instant coffee
JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS (JDE), one of the largest instant coffee manufacturers in Great Britain, was having problems with the weight of the glass on their cardboard intermediate layers – causing issues with their depalletizing process. The glass containers are too heavy to be palletised stably on cardboard intermediate layers. This was a major quality and safety issue. The costs of more sturdy cardboard intermediate layers of the same thickness as PLPs would have been uneconomical – and their vulnerability to damp was also a problem. The company therefore replaced the cardboard intermediate layers with PLPs for the transportation of the glass containers. The surface quality of the PLPs now permits a rapid and reliable depalletisation process and reduced production failure times. Due to the improved strength and durability of the PLPs, the palletisation options for the glass containers have also expanded – more weight can now be packed onto each pallet. In this way, the number of pallets required for transportation has been reduced, and therefore also the transport volume. JDE no longer has to invest in new transport products, as the stability of the PLPs guarantees their reutilisation – in contrast to cardboard.
As James Dockree, Packaging Quality Specialist at JDE in the United Kingdom, explains: “Cardboard intermediate layers do not work efficiently on our palletisers in comparison to the PLPs. Every time glass falls off the pallets, we have a major quality and safety issue”.
Closed-pooling or tailor-made outsourcing service Both best practice examples show how the use of PLPs has optimized production processes and mastered the challenges facing customers. From the delivery and return, sorting and cleaning to the administration of reusable transport products, CPL combines a broad range of outsourcing services. CPL also offers individual outsourcing solutions. Thus, it is possible to use only the PLPs warehouse management, including mobile cleaning at the container manufacturer, integrated into local conditions. As an experienced pool system operator of reusable PLPs on a rental basis, CPL has 15 closely linked service centers. Own stocks of transport and packaging material at the customer are no longer necessary and storage areas are free, because the PLPs circulate in the external CPL pool system. The service and rental fees are cost-saving - replacement and financing costs are eliminated. Unproductively tied capital becomes free for investments in the core business of the customers. The cost-effectiveness of PLPs is also explained by the long service life and disposal costs for the recycling of damaged PLPs are eliminated.
Conclusion: The transport with reusable PLPs is recognized as the most efficient method of transportation - one could also speak of a trend. PLPs are replacing cardboard layer pads and the culture of reusable material is becoming increasingly established worldwide.
CPL's range of services are also visually displayed in the new explanatory video Entertaining and understandable in the animated explanatory format, CPL conveys the complex topic of outsourcing and the use of its reusable transport products for the glass, cans and PET container industry. The video shows how container manufacturers and bottlers benefit, why outsourcing saves costs, mitigates environmental concerns and benefits everyone. "When creating the video, we oriented ourselves to questions that we are repeatedly asked in the day-to-day business of interested companies: For example, if you have to buy the plastic layer pads or where the PLPs are stored and if it is economically useful. Also how the Cartonplast business model differs from other transportation systems", explains Michael Heikenfeld, CSO, Cartonplast Group. To bring the video closer to an international audience, there is an English, French, Portuguese and Brazilian version.