- Liveo Research AG has published its first Sustainability Report. It presents the company’s global sustainability management with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The focus is on the year 2023, with highlights and progress made in recent years supplementing this content.
The report details Liveo Research’s sustainability strategy, whose foundations are solidly built on the three pillars of “Planet, People, and Products” ("3Ps" for short). It further contains a chapter on governance and, of course, an extensive data section that makes it possible to compare objectives and results with one another
Liveo Research has been advancing its sustainability efforts globally for many years. Its strategy is implemented across all company locations and is continuously monitored through frameworks such as the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi), EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme), ISO 9001, ISO 45001, and EcoVadis.
“Sustainability is of very high importance to us at Liveo Research: We firmly believe that sustainable business practices and entrepreneurial success go hand-in-hand. We are now presenting our strategies, measures and development steps clearly – and intend to do so regularly in the future”, explains Dr. Carsten Heldmann, the company's CEO.
Liveo Research - An Overview
Founded in 1962, Liveo Research is a top global producer of materials for primary packaging in the pharmaceutical and medical industry, as well as special applications such as shrink sleeve labels. Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, it has production sites in Boetzingen (Germany), Staufen (Germany), Delaware (USA), Singapore, and Taicang (China). Liveo Research currently has approximately 1,000 employees worldwide. In addition to a broad product portfolio of packaging materials, the company also offers its customers several value-added services like “LiveoOptima” that provide support to find the best, sustainable packaging solutions for their products.