The Marchesini Group is about to end the year with an escalation in turnover of 12% compared with 2017, when the Group’s consolidated figures almost hit the 300 million Euro mark. Forecasts of growth are backed by two new acquisitions, alongside a boosted workforce. As a whole, the Group’s Italian production sites and foreign branches presently employ two thousand people. In 2018, the Group took-on 165 new staff members throughout Italy - of which 82 in Pianoro alone - most of whom are graduates from technical schools and Engineering universities.
“Such results are even more astounding if we think of the present economic unrest. We export from 85% to 90% of our production, yet, speaking firstly as a man born and bred in Emilia and secondly as a business expert, I am however concerned about how the present-day governmental scenario will affect us locally and nationally. Despite the uncertain economic situation, Marchesini’s prospects are still prosperous” said Mr. Marchesini.
“Our figures boost our confidence” Mr. Pietro Cassani, CEO of the Group, added. “Nowadays, you have to grow to survive. There’s no slowing down or turning back. In fact, we have pinpointed two little gems of “Made in Italy” this year again to boost our expansion strategies. As always, the workforces will continue to work where they are in order to safeguard their identity and local input”.
The first of the new companies to join Marchesini, which today signed for a 60% take-over, is CMP PHAR.MA S.r.l. in Costabissara (Vicenza). This business specialises in pharmaceutical inspection systems. Since 1982, when it was the first in the world to launch an automatic laser inspection machine for vials, CMP has grown and now exceeds a turnover of 9 million, which is 35% more than 2017.
By taking over CMP, the Marchesini Group confirms its name as manufacturer of complete lines for producing and monitoring the whole packaging process of pharmaceuticals, from start to finish, thanks also to the Group’s partner, SEA Vision, which also co-participated in the CMP transaction. Their vision and inspection systems guarantee total process quality and perfect traceability of the finished product, as well as the possibility to analyse and boost production performance.
The acquisition of CMP pilots a policy of growth that accelerated with the acquisition, last January, of 48% of SEA Vision itself. The company from Pavia - also thanks to the incredible demand for machines rigged-out with the most cutting-edge of systems for tracking and tracing pharmaceuticals - will end the year 2018 with a consolidated turnover of over 50 million, which is 50% more than 2017.
The other company to join the Group is Proteo Engineering. 60% of this company from Spilamberto, near Modena, has been acquired over 3 years. Proteo specialises in developing software and industrial automation systems and will help Marchesini to develop the models related to Industry 4.0.
These are the hot topics to which the group is devoting impressive resources, which last June led to the worldwide preview at “Achema” of a blister packaging line set-up entirely to meet the customers’ Industry 4.0. requirements. In addition, by using a customised sensor system and teach-in software, Proteo will aid the Marchesini Group in perfecting the so-called machine learning process, which is one of the most amazing frontiers of the 4.0 model. The final goal is to create machines that are completely linked to the business systems, capable of constantly tracking quality parameters and anticipating every possible type of mechanical error and suggesting scheduled maintenance actions.