Zheijiang Yongsheng Technology Co., LTD. is one of the leading companies in the Chinese market for the production and sale of BOPET film products. The cooperation with IMS TECHNOLOGIES’ brand GOEBEL IMS, a worldwide leader in building converting machinery, had its starting point at the end of 2018, with the order of two new primary slitter rewinders for BOPET converting.
The project included a MONOSLIT OPTICAL 6000 BOPET, which is a fully electrical high-end machine for converting technical films such as optical grade films. With the multi-functional slitting unit (including shear cutting) and optional by-pass spreader roller, the machine can convert thin as well as thick films. With special surface coatings for the guide rollers and the possibility to install web-cleaning devices and other special units, like an ultra-sonic knurling device, a big variety of applications can be covered.
The second machine for this project was a MONOSLIT 9000 BOPET which is designed for highspeed converting of mainly packaging grade films (the machine speed is 1200 m/min).
Both machines were delivered at the beginning of 2020 and successfully brought into production, despite the difficulties caused by Covid-19 pandemic. Tobias Lanksweirt, Managing Director of GOEBEL Schneid- und Wickelsysteme GmbH and Sales Director Film adds: “This was only possible thanks to the support of our Chinese Team as well as the great cooperation with the experienced operators of Yongsheng. It was a completely new situation for us and if for the first machine we still had some German colleagues at the customer’s site, we had to install and start-up the second machine completely with our local team. Therefore, it was a great success to deliver and start up the lines on time, to finally ensure a successful project for our partner. We are looking forward to continuing this great cooperation with Yongsheng.
As a matter of fact, a new agreement including two additional primary slitter rewinders - MONOSLIT 9000 BOPET and MONOSLIT GIANT 11000 BOPET – has been signed, thus confirming Yongsheng’s satisfaction with GOEBEL IMS technology and quality.
Mr. Xu Yongming (General Manager of Zheijiang Yongsheng) adds: “We are very happy with our decision and to have GOEBEL IMS as a reliable partner on our side. Even in these difficult times we always got the full support from GOEBEL IMS and managed a successful start-up of the first two projects. Therefore, we decided to continue our partnership and we ordered two additional GOEBEL IMS primary slitter rewinders, another MONOSLIT 9000 BOPET and a MONOSLIT GIANT 11000 BOPET for our first 10.6m BOPET production line. We are looking forward to continuing this fruitful partnership too.
” For further information on GOEBEL IMS machines for the film industry : https://goebelims.com/en/application/film/
Born from the union of specialized, diversified companies, IMS TECHNOLOGIES is an international standard-setter in the engineering and manufacturing of high-tech customized machinery in multiple sectors such as Converting, Packaging, Automotive, and other industries. Thanks to its extensive know-how and expertise and its long history, stretching back to 1851, IMS TECHNOLOGIES is able to develop solutions complying with the highest standards in terms of productivity, quality and precision and to offer them to the market through its world-renowned brands.