Verstraete in mould labels, one of world’s leading IML label suppliers, is proud to be the preferred partner for 16 IML systems at the K 2016 (Germany, Düsseldorf, 19 th till 26 th of October 2016). To realize these projects, we have partnered up with 35 companies. Several machine producers, mould makers and automation producers have joined forces with Verstraete IML to show the best of packaging designs during this exhibition.
Dieter Maes, Business Development and Marketing Manager Verstraete IML says: “Preparing an exhibition takes quite a lot of effort. To save time, we have compiled a handy IML guide for all visitors to help quickly locate all the IML related companies at the fair. You can request this guide on www.imlguide.info. In this must-have guide you can also discover all technical details of the 16 IML projects that use our IML labels. Moreover, each IML guide contains a voucher for the first edition of the brand new Verstraete magazine: ‘Fuse’.’
Verstraete IML has its own booth in Hall 5, booth B37. At this location you will have the opportunity to discuss all of your IML projects and discover the latest IML innovations. And last but not least, Verstraete IML will release its brand new ‘Believe your eyes.’ product line at the K2016.