Season's Greetings & Best wishes for a Happy and Prosperous New Year
Dear Friends,
It's almost two years that we all are learning new ways of living through pandemics and the future is not really predictable. We at PackagingConnections also went through many ups and downs over the last year but the good news is that we came out of it happily with the grace of God & Gurus. I can tell you the traditional teachings of Yoga did help us both professionally and personally to face new situations positively. As a result, we have revisited our activities and focussed ourselves better. We can not do everything but we can do a few things very well and that’s what we decided to do. Our idea is that we should be doing something which will help the packaging fraternity in general and we would also benefit. We try to fill the gap that the packaging fraternity is having. So you will see in the next days that we will be coming out with new products from our existing partners as well as new partners.
In case you would like to partner with us, please feel free to reach me directly at sandeep.goyal@packagingconnections.com
We would also like to offer our sincere gratitude to all partners, customers, and friends who stood by us during the time of need and helped us to come out of it. We can never forget their support.
Our key focus in 2002 would be as below:
- Niche pharma packaging products and solutions
- Consulting support to startups in vibrant India
- Connecting packaging community through PackagingBrains for packaging jobs
- Updated PackagingConnections for more resources to support the packaging community
- Launch of our own product sourcing directly from India’s craftsmen in rural areas and add values to their earnings using our eCommerce knowledge
Stay tuned for more madness!
We wish you a great start to 2022, healthy & prosperous days ahead. Move all your mountains that stand in the way, nothing can stop our progress,
Yours sincerely
Sandeep Kumar Goyal
Founder & CEO Team PackagingConnections