It is amazing to know that a Japanese burger chain faced an interesting sales problem. The Freshness Burger chain has a very large and very popular “Classic Burger”.It’s the most popular burger among male customers but dead last among female customers. So what’s up with that?
It turns out to be a cultural thing. “Ochobo” (small mouth) is considered an attractive trait for Japanese females. It’s also considered well-mannered to cover your mouth when you open it in public. So basically it’s considered culturally unattractive and poor etiquette for women to open their mouths wide enough to take a bite of this big burger.
You can read the full article Since it would be difficult for a burger chain to change a cultural norm ingrained over thousands of years, Freshness Burger came up with another solution instead. They created a wrapper for the burger with a picture of the lower part of a woman’s face on it. If you eat the burger in the wrapper it covers your open mouth with an attractive small closed mouth while you eat.
Once they implemented what they call the “liberation wrapper” sales of the Classic Burger jumped 213%!
So moral of the story is do you really understand your customer needs?
[themify_quote]The success lies in understanding the customer.[/themify_quote]
Watch the Liberation Wrapper Campaign ....