Aptar Beauty+ Home is a solution partner of packaging delivery system and Dispensing system to the Beauty , Personal Care and Home Care Market. Aptar is a hub of the Closures , Dispensing System and any other technical packaging devices for Beauty+Home , Food, Beverages and Pharma industries.
Aptar is providing Closures , Spray Pumps, Dispensers, Fragrance Solution, Airless Solution, Valves and Accessories, Custom Solutions, Sampling &Promotion and Flexible Solution etc to the packaging industries.
Euro Flow
Euro Flow is a standard lotion pump by Aptar. Patented EuroFlow® technology assures reliable, consistent dosage in a familiar, user-friendly design.
Euro Flow have the constant dosage for a wide range of high viscosity products, Up & down closing system , Left & Right opening system , locking in the up &down position, Dosage like : 1cc/1.4cc ( 1cc/1.4cc water protection and showerproof option) , unlocking and locking with left or right 90 degree turn and premium actuators & closure available.
It is usable for many application field like : Baby care, Body care, Hair cair/ Hair styling, personal cleansing, sexual well- being etc.
Vita is the new one hand dispensing system from Aptar, the features a unique design and offers a new cleaner and easier gesture for cotton pad application of water like formulation.
Vita has many technical features – It has transparent / translusant lid, twist to lock system , sealing in both locked and unlocked system and Dosage : 0,8cc and 1,2 cc etc.
Evolution is a rounded shape product by Aptar for Facial skin care >dispenser and make up> dispenser.
Evolution have the rounded closure and straight closure with different diameters of closures and also have the various type of dosages like :70, 150, 200 240 and 500 mcl.
Similarly, Aptar have the various types of dispensing system some of here, custom skin care + make up solution , euro flow raven, euro mist treatment ,evo classic, eyes and lips , GS Adore, GS Swan, etc . Every indivisual dispenser have the specific technology and the specific usage.