There are many organizations who believe that packaging design is as important as the brand itself. The product packaging design plays an important role in branding your items in the retail environment. One thing that should be noted is that the ‘catchier’ the design is, the more audiences it will attract. A good packaging will also enable you to differentiate the products from your competitors.
An Ipsos survey found out that 72% of American consumers say their purchasing decision is influenced by the packaging design. Because of this, your company should invest in custom packaging design for a better customer experience. Not only that, those who also received packaging that wasn’t easy to open were a dealbreaker for customers too.
Effective packaging is one of the ways you can stand out from your competition and attract customers. So, if you are selling in a brick-and-mortar environment, your packaging design is the first thing that a prospective customer will see on the shelf. Your customer may make their first impressions about your product and your company based on the way your packaging looks.
With an effective packaging design, you can reinforce your brand identity to connect with your customers.
• It creates a clear impression of your company and products to new customers.
• It reminds your customers about your brand and the products you offer.
How to Make the Perfect Packaging Design
Many research studies have been done on the importance of packaging design, and if there is something they all have found, it is that simplicity sells. What people want, more than anything, is to get the information in a quick and simple way. Though it starts by attracting their attention through the means of elegant and eye-catching packaging, clearly labeling what the product is about is of the utmost importance. Companies want people to buy their products – they do not want people to walk away and buy a competing product merely because the information can be accessed more quickly on their package.