Pro food and Pro pack is an event dedicated to food processing and packaging industry. In 2016, this event is scheduled to organise from 12 to 14 August at Sirimavo bandaranaika memorial Exhibition centre, Sri Lanka.
This event will showcase Processed Food & Beverages, Packaging Machinery & Materials, Food Technology, Refrigeration & Cold Chain, Retailing & Vending Systems, Food Science & Technology, Agriculture Machinery & Equipments, Agricultural Inputs – Seeds, Fertilizer and Agro Chemicals, Flower Plants, Cut flowers and foliage, Irrigational systems and methods, Animal Husbandry and vet care products, Landscaping and Management, Financial Institutions & Banks, Agricultural Authorities of public sector, Post Harvest Technologies, Small & Medium Entrepreneurs, Tissue Culture & Breeding Technologies.
For more information visit: http://www.profoodpropack.com/