Looking into innovation and automation of the production, the company recently decided to purchase a Lundberg Tech WasteTech 400 to capture, convey, cut and collect matrices and edge trims from 5 thermoforming packaging machines. Considering the low temperature in the sausage production room, the best option was to place the All-in-one Unit in the packaging room, where the circulated and filtered air stays in the room. The exhaust air temperature of the WasteTech system is only minimally increased by the extraction process. By choosing a continuous vacuum solution, heavy manual handling of edge trim and matrix waste roles plus extra waste due to stops and restarts in the production have been eliminated. This is a great advantage also with respect to product quality and cost minimization. The handling from initial discussions to installation and commissioning has been impeccable. The WasteTech 400 has been met with high acceptance by the employees as the operation is easy and the equipment rather silent. Residual materials are collected in a sack (approx. 300 kg of waste) that only needs to be changed once per shift. — H. & E. Reinert Westfälische Privat-Fleischerei GmbH