the swiss packaging institute svi each year honors the best innovation in the sector of packaging. mibelle influenced the jury with its inventive refill system for the &lsquoi am face q10 antiaging day creme&rsquo pot that resulted in winning the easyfairs green packaging award. founded on the principle of the refillable sachet for hand soap, mibelle created a refillable container for the face cream, which is merely inserted into the vacant original pot. katja klenner is head of packaging development at mibelle. katja mentioned that due to a cream is not as simple to refill as liquid soap, they developed an internal container with an aluminium seal and a tiny protective lid that can be replaced as a cream has been used up. this facilitates the outer container to be reused for several times that will significantly reduce waste. while substantiating its decision, the jury declared that this invention is good for the environment. the jury further explained that the ecological load of this kind of packaging is significantly lower than that of a usual disposable pot. the refillable pot utilizes 78 fewer resources in contrast to the initial product in a conventional pot. furthermore, it also lessens the cost of manufacturing, and transport materials, and this reflects in a lower retail price. the swiss star award honors inventive achievements in the sector of packaging. for the swiss star award, sixtyone submissions were accepted and 13 awards were granted across the various categories. source of information httpwww.mibellegroup.comennewsswissstaraward