the most valuable feature of this technology is that this would distinguish whether the food inside is poisoned or not. you can recognize it by the barcode attached outside of package. this technology is already commercialized in south korea. this technology built the connection system between antibodybased indicator and qr code.though this system you can identify and distinguish the food poisoning by naked eye on the ground. this technology is able to detect the staphylococcus aureus which is widely known as the bacteria causing food poisoning in the process of food package. this technology connects qr code with antibodybased indicator which identifies the food poisoning bacteria. so when you identify qr code, it will show you whether this food is poisoned or not. when producing and distributing a large amount of food, this method is easy and effective to find a crack out of thousands of products. especially for mass facility, it would be more helpful to prevent the large scale of food poisoning.deltatechkorea deltatechkorea ltd. dtk, based in korea, is a "technology asset management firm" established in 2000.