The service from Biffa comes in advance of a law coming into place in October 2025 requiring businesses to recycle takeaway drinks sold in fibre-based single-use cups.
More than 62 million single-use tea, coffee and cold drinks cups are discarded in the UK every week.
Biffa business development manager Dan Barrett said although many contain cardboard that can be easily recycled into new products and packaging, millions still end up in general waste.
“But despite the eagerness of many businesses to become more sustainable and compliant, the UK lacked sufficient options for the convenient and efficient nationwide recycling of these cups,” Barrett added.
“Now, alongside our disposable vape recycling service and our leading position on surplus redistribution, our takeaway cup scheme shows how we’re actively reducing waste by helping people and businesses re-use, recycle and redistribute as much of it as possible so we can all leave a smaller footprint.”
The Recycling Association chief executive Paul Sanderson commented: “Many takeaway cups contain a high-quality cardboard that can be recycled into new cardboard or paper products.
“Collection schemes like this ensure that these cups can be kept from general waste so that they can be recycled at specialist mills.”