cocacola has launched it&39s first ever carbonated hot drink, japan will begin selling canada dry hot ginger ale, a seasonal drink flavored with ginger, cinnamon and apple. the drink features a can with an innovative technology that retains the drink&rsquos carbonation when heated. one of the companies behind the canheating technology is the san diegobased company hot can inc. the heat activation process occurs in the doublechambered aluminum can, where the outer shell is heated by combining water and calcium oxide that fuel a chemical reaction, without interfering with carbonation. the drink goes on sale in japan in vending machines beginning oct 21st and will sell for about 1.20. there is no indication of whether the new beverage will make its way to the u.s., said the journalconstitution. spicy beverages during the colder months are popular in japan, and canned hot tea and coffee dispensed hot from vending machines are already popular there. cocacola is hoping this new drink will catch on to help slumping global sales. source httpwww.foxnews.comleisure20130911cocacolatoreleasefirstevercanadadrydrinkm…