spain &ndash rpc&rsquos3.8 litre us gallon size thermic ultra retortable barrier jar is proving to be the ideal packing solution for a leading spanish olive supplier aceitunas del guadalquivir based inseville.specifically developed to meet the needs of the olive industry, the thermic ultra provides a pack format that combines safety and ease of handling with long shelf life and the ability to withstand the rigours of high temperature filling processes, including hot fill, pasteurisation and sterilisation to122°c.the jar&rsquos pp structure weighs just 160g compared to around 1.7kg for the more traditional glass format, and as well as its ease of handling and the elimination of breakages during the filling process the new format is helping to realise cost and environmental gains in transit. the sixlayer structure incorporates evoh to create an effective barrier to oxygen ingress which gives the olives a shelf life in excess of 12 months. the contact clear material enhances the product&rsquos onshelf appeal and jars can be labelled or sleeved to help create individual brand mimicking the shape of a glass jar, the new pp jars are able to run on existing filling lines with only a modification required for the capping equipment. the 100mm closure features a barrier induction heat sealed foil, also available from an rpc group company.contributed by des king