The performance of multi-layered packaging with the added benefit of recyclability
In conjunction with Dow’s broad portfolio of PE resins, RecycleReady Technology enables packaging with the convenience and features of typical multi-material, multi-layered pouches, flow wrappers, and barrier film with the added benefit of recyclability.
Brand owners, retailers, and consumers enjoy comparable functional performance in stiffness and barrier protection,* complete hermetic seals to avoid leaks, the same end-use convenience, plus recyclability in communities with existing programs for PE film recycling (e.g., Grocery Store Drop-Off in the U.S.).
* compared to current SUPs in the market; check barrier requirements that are suitable for PE SUP applications. RecycleReady Technology for store drop-off recycling utilizes IP-protected Dow products like those below to offer a range of functional options and thus create an entire family of solutions.
Introduction to RecycleReady Technology started with PE pouches with low barrier applications like dry foods, frozen foods, and dry product. Since then, Dow has continued to refine the technology, which has led to enhancements including better barrier, better stiffness, and higher temperature tolerances to allow an even greater variety of end-use applications.
Current North American formulations include:
RecycleReady LB - for low barrier
RecycleReady IB - for improved barrier
RecycleReady AB - for advanced barrier
RecycleReady IP - for improved processing
RecycleReady IS - for improved stiffness