Uflex is now offering shelf life extension solutions to the Indian Fresh Produce Industry. With the help of the foreign technology partner Perfotec B.V., Uflex came out with this solution. The solution Equilibrium Modified Atmospheric Packaging (EMAP) entails maintaining consistent oxygen and carbon dioxide inside the bag during the shelf life of the produce according to Ashok Chaturvedi, Chairman and Managing Director, Uflex Limited. This is critical for fresh produce packaging that oxygen needs to be maintained to keep the product in aerobic conditions. During transpiration, humidity gets released and condenses inside the bag causing fungal and bacterial infections on the produce. Flexfresh while maintaining the humidity inside the bag at 98%, keeps the product absolutely dry without allowing condensation of the humidity. This results in very low weight loss of the produce as it continues to breathe in hydrated oxygen available inside the bag. In several experiments on various products, it was observed that the ratio of oxygen and carbon dioxide has always been maintained at equilibrium. The film provides good release characteristics of CO2 emitted by the produce. This ensured that the produce in a few cases could be protected naturally from diseases such as Botrytis, Gray Mold etc. using high CO2 content. The icing on the cake is that while offering all the benefits, Flexfresh™ Film is biodegradable by composting. Thus Flexfresh™ complies with all international regulations for overall migration (EC 1935/2004), reach compliance (EC 1907/2006)and qualifies for biodegradation under DIN EN 13432 (2000-12) according to Ashok Chaturvedi. Flexfresh™ is currently available as Liner Bags in 5kg and 10Kg standard international sizes, Flow Wraps, FFS Film and Lidding film” added Siva Shankaran, Vice President-Flexfresh™. Uflex is currently working on a retail pack film to offer it for FFS for both cut and whole products. Uflex is working with several leading super markets around the world for establishing the benefits of Flexfresh™ in potatoes, Brussel sprouts, papaya, grapes, berries, pomegranates, flowers, beans, broccoli, cauliflower, mango, okra, mushroom, cut vegetables and several other products.