by early 2013, packaging production is expected to be completed, while it slowly moves to facilities in the next six months. the department transfer will affect about 18 employees. facilities in lawrenceville of georgia, new hebron of mississippi and dallas of texas will receive the transferred work. however, lima will continue to have the pellet manufacturing, product development, and corporate offices of the company. the president of rudolph foods, rich rudolph, stated that their great heritage has been carved in lima and their community and people are valued and appreciated through service and support provided through decades that continue. they are aware that it is vital for their community to know that they will remain in lima as a familyowned company, even after the packaging production department is transferred elsewhere. rudolph foods confirmed that shifting packaging production was a decision made only after careful consideration was given for customer and consumer needs around the world. officials also confirmed that food safety would be enhanced with the transfer of the lima plant exclusively on pellet pork rind production.