ultra clear pp has been on the market since 2007 but it&rsquos really taken off for thermoforming in the last year. on it can add our additive to pp, at a similar cost to pet, but have all the advantages of pp. you can put it directly in a microwave. normal pet cannot be put in a microwave. the sealing and peeling is much easier. typically with a food container the sealing strength between the polyethylene film and the polypropylene is much stronger versus the polyethylene film and pet.  polypropylene&rsquos opacity, and relative cost, had made it an unlikely proposition for packaging use in the past. but bring transparency into the equation, and factor in rising polystyrene prices, and it becomes a far more competitive material. source httpwww.plasticsnews.comarticle20140808news140809935millikenfindsuptakeforc…