audioeducator is conducting an audio session with nationally renowned speaker shawn k. stevens to throw light on fda&rsquos real expectations with respect to packaging suppliers under fsma on thursday, may 14.durham, nc prweb may 08, 2015the u.s. food and drug administration fda have put extensive food contact regulations that are important to ensure the safety of food that is packaged and consumed. consequently, compliance with the regulations is a key element for companies converting and utilizing simple formats or complex structure for food packaging. having the knowledge of the regulatory nuances and protocols will help companies make the best decisions about food packaging.although fda regulations might seem complex and burdensome, proceeding without careful considerations can cause serious harm to the food industry as well as the consumers. contamination of food can lead to lawsuits, negative publicity, and damage the brand reputation. improperly handling of fda regulations may also lead to resubmission of recalled materials for regulatory approval. this timeconsuming process could result in loss of millions of dollars due to compliance costs, destroyed materials and lost sales while the final packaged product is off the shelves.the packaging industry has experienced rapid growth over the years. technology and innovation has led to more new materials being used, complex multilayer packaging formats, and more stringent fda regulations. because of increased competition, the brand owners and converters are challenged with advanced applications in much tighter timeframes and at reduced cost while still remaining compliant to the regulations.fda food packaging regulationsfor converters and food packagers, it&rsquos important to first establish which regulations apply to their applications and how they must comply. when working on demanding food packaging applications, the food ingredients and processing temperatures involved may lead to a greater likelihood of chemical extraction and migration, making compliance more difficult. this is why comprehending the effect of manufacturing and use conditions is of the utmost importance, and why the fda has established regulations, with even more rigorous requirements for high temperature applications.with the arrival of the food safety modernization act fsma, the congress has tasked fda with the huge responsibility of substantially improving the overall safety of our national food supply. to achieve this goal, the new law imposes significant new legal and regulatory requirements on the food industry, and gives fda a widerange of incredible new powers and authority to enforce the new standards. as the fda begins using those new powers, food packaging companies will face increasing scrutiny and regulatory exposure.industry expert shawn k. stevens&mdash who is the founding member of food industry counsel, llc, the only law firm in the nation that represents the food industry exclusively&mdashwill throw light on how the new fda mandates will directly impact the food and packaging industry, and what one can do now to prepare, in an information packed audio session on behalf of a sneak peek of the sessionnew fsma regulations which will likely apply to food packaging suppliersthe fda&rsquos real expectations with respect to packaging suppliers under fsmasteps that food packaging suppliers should be taking today to achieve compliance with the new fsma requirements and fda expectationskey steps food companies should be taking today to ensure that their packing suppliers remain incompliance with the new fsma requirements and fda expectationoften overlooked food safety hazards relating to food packaginghow to assess food packaging operations to ensure continued fsma compliancehow to develop and implement a packaging supplier verification program as part of your written food safety plan