walki has created a cap for dairy abase fiber plastic laminated paper that becomes an option to the traditional aluminum foil lids. it meets the physical endurance and barrier properties, costeffective, easytoopen and recyclable. walki ® lid is a top extrusion coated paper, which is easy to print, durable, and can be cut into different sizes and shapes. on the top of all, it is convenient for consumers to remove it without breaking and can also be recycled as paper. heikki lumme is the manager of online product packaging at walki. heikki lumme mentioned that, at first, they started to create a fiberbased cap to package milk products, with the thought in mind that it would be stronger than usual aluminum caps. however, now the environmental concern has become an equally important aspect for them. heikki lumme further mentioned that, the lidsbased fibers, which is up to a larger extend only produced by walki, is puncture resistance and has inherent strength that is very important in some divisions of milk products. as, it was almost not possible to remove traditional lids without breaking, it was simple to observe clearly that there was a huge potential market for easytoopen and heavy paper covers. heikki lumme says they believe that their lid reinforces consumer confidence in a product quality. heikki lumme believes that it will improve the earnings of retail. one of the main qualities of walki ® lid is its outstanding printing capabilities. it is able to bear up the most demanding graphics that are produced by the printing process. therefore, heikki said the management expects the product will benefit the whole supply chain including consumers and brand owners. the new product can be supplied in cut sheets or rolls and the company can tailor certain properties, such as, the rear, so that containers can be modified to certain specifications. in recent years, the production of walki ® lid has surged. in 2010, the growth was counted at 25. heikki says, so far, the nordic countries have been the major market for this product, but they also have customers in places like africa and australia. heikki further mentioned that they developed the technology to be capable to acclimatize to a wide range of milk products. hence, they can focus their efforts to expand outside the nordic countries. source of information httpwww.clubdarwin.netseccionpackagingnuevatapadepapelparaenvasesdeproducto…