Packaging Technology Group has recently expanded it TRUEtemp Naturals® line of cellulose packaging products with the addition of a dual-temperature packaging solution. This first-of-its-kind sustainable packaging allows medications with different temperature requirements to be packaged and carried in the same container. Not only does this shipper preserve the efficacy of thermally-sensitive drugs, but it also provides a more sustainable option to carefully protect and transport medications. The ability to co-contain medicines with varying temperature profiles will surely reduce the amount of material used for packaging itself. This, furthermore, will also save on shipping costs and assembly training and make medication slightly more affordable. Based on PTG’s S4 value proposition, which states their aim to provide Simple, Small, Sustainable and affordable Shipping Solutions, the TRUEtemp Naturals® Cellulose Shippers are: • Made from 100% recycled paper, wood and corrugate • Curbside recyclable, repulpable and biodegradable • EPS equivalent in insulation value The dual temperature property in addition to the existing benefits of the line make the new product truly innovative and sustainable. Currently being applied primarily in the bio-pharmaceutical sector for medicines, this technology can potentially be exposed to other sectors to improve product integrity and promote sustainability.