as per the new analysis by visiongain, these young markets will be classified by strong growth in economy along with clear immaturity, increasing the quality and quantity of consumer purchases. along with this, low labour costs will also motivate global companies to increase their operation lines within these markets. global rigid plastic packaging market 20132023 which is a report made by visiongain, clarified that whereas total packaging utilization has been adversely affected by the economic crash, the crisis has generated favourable situations to support growth in rigid plastic packaging. as per the analyst firm&39s study, preferences of consumers have changed due to the economic crisis, and buying tendencies have reflected this. the analysis also mentioned that the consumers are looking out for convenience along with the good quality products at reasonable prices... the economic crisis has also led to more people staying at home and increasing their consumption in the household. this has increased the need for packaged products and has helped galvanize demand in the rigid plastic packaging market.&39 it said. along with the economic changes, demographic trends have also had a helpful impact on the rigid market of plastic packaging. for instance, an aging population has amplified demand for packaging with better visual appeal and ease of use. along with the plastic, there are other materials also that are on the rise. a research done by the same company emphasize that, in 2013, metal would cost at 102.1 billion with constant growth over the span of next ten years. again, developing and emerging nations are expected to strongly require metal packaging products, where consumption of consumers of packaged foods and beverage is increasing. metal packaging&39s ambient storage opportunities and tamperproof quality safeguard its status in areas where compromising of incessant coldchains is not rare. metal packaging is a main player in the sustainability aspect for developed markets, with its environmental and recyclability image. over the coming ten years, sustainability is predicted to amplify. source of information httpwww.robertsonpackaging.comfoodpackagingnewshighannualgrowthforplasticpa…