A survey done by the european commission denotes that the recycling and segregation of trash process is on the high peak in austria. The survey also states that, along with austria, even in countries like luxembourg, germany, and slovenia, trash recycling is increasing like never before. About 97 population of these countries segregates trash. This figure is 8 more than the average of trash segregating population of european union. Across all of europe, the most waste for segregation is collected by austria. Households&rsquo contribution, in the year 2010, was 504,000 tons. In 2009, it was 499,000 tons.
These figures show an increase of 1. It also indicates the scope for further improvements though there are high standard rules and regulations for the separation of to trash. Every citizen collects 116.8 kilograms of packaging. This value exceeded the value of 2009 by 0.2. There was an increase of 2 over 2009 in the area of trash separation by businesses. This year the total amount of 331,000 packaging were recorded. Previous year, this amount was 325,000. Dr. Christophscharff, who is a director of ara altstoff recycling austria, is satisfied with this positive outcome.
He is pleased to see that the austrian businesses and households are establishing their efforts to save the environment. He further added that, austrians have made a vital contribution in the fight against global warming. About 620,000 tons of co2 equivalents were saved in 2010. Along with this, in the austrian economy, packaging collection has an essential contribution. Bulk trash is a good source of raw material, because 95 of the recycled raw material is processed in within the country by ara. Another director of ara, werner knausz emphasized on a different aspect. According to him, after experiencing the decline in raw material market in 2008 and 2009, market prices are back on the track now. Ara predicts royalties of about &euro159 million.
This amount is lower than the figures of revenue gained in the year of 2010. This decrease is because the decrement in tariff during the period of january to july, 2011. Contracts for collecting and sorting of light and metal packaging will be awarded by ara. Ara also places a particular value on the waste logistics&rsquo ecological aspect. Httpwww.advantageaustria.orgusoesterreichinunitedstatesnewslokalrecyclingof…