smurfit kappa has partnered with bibovino to offer highquality wines to consumers using bibovino&rsquos baginbox packaging solution.established in 2013, bibovino provides a collection of wines online, with its first store opening in september 2014 in paris.the baginbox packaging solution is designed to meet the needs of the modern wine drinker, allowing customers to enjoy one glass at a time, and ensuring the quality of the product over many weeks.the smurfit kappa bagin box technology offers flexible packaging solutions for liquid and semiliquid products in the agrofood and industrial sectors, while meeting cost constraints and new environmetal regulations.smurfit kappa and bibovino have recently extended their partnership with a new premium packaging solution, bagintube, for its highest quality wines.the product, which is produced by smurfit kappa orsenigo in italy, provides the same advantages as bagin box, with an even more sophisticated design.