snickers had make its packaging personalised by replacing its brand name on packaging with 21 hunger symptoms. by doing this snickers kicking its slogen "you&39re not you when you&39re hungry". snickers wants consumers to share the new "hunger bars" with friends and family that have been particularly "hangry". the bar are written with words cranky, grouchy, confused, irritable, impatient, complainer, whiny, curmudgeon, ornery, testy and snippy. those 11 are balanced out by 10 other bars which are a bit less insulting&mdashrebellious, feisty, sleepy, loopy, goofball, forgetful, drama mama, dramatic, princess, spacey. as part of the campaign, a humorous ad was released of a jocular hotline operator receiving distressed calls from people who desperately need a "hunger bar" for their friend. after the diagnosing session was complete and a bar was chosen and the operator dispatched a bike messenger to deliver the insulting candy to those in need.